Mighty Bubs OPTIOn 1:
Infant CPR & Choking

2 hours
in person

$79 for 1 parent

$150 for 2 parents*

*Or bring a grandparent, babysitter or other carer as your second person.

Book now

Mighty Bubs OPTION 2:

3.5 hours
in person

$119 for 1 parent

$199 for 2 parents*

*Or bring a grandparent, babysitter or other carer as your second person.

Book now

Mighty KIDS:
0 to 5 years

4 hours
in person + online*

$129 for 1 parent

$219 for 2 parents

Or bring a grandparent, babysitter or other carer as your second person.
*Includes access to online learning platform

Book now